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Conquering FEAR one post at a time!

Have you ever done something just to prove to yourself that you can? You double, triple, no quadruple dog dare yourself to take a leap and just do it! That's me! I have wanted to start a blog for so many years now that I have lost count. I say I don't have enough to share... I don't have time... I can't... I'm not as talented as other bloggers are... No one will read this...


The excuse train stops here! I've discovered recently that my biggest obstacle was FEAR! That's right, fear. I was so afraid of what other people might think or if other people would think about my little blog at all that I chickened out of doing something I have been craving for years!

I'm unloading all of that negative baggage and I'm loading up all of the possibilities of these new electronic pages! I am choosing Faith over Fear! I have Faith that these pages will bring laughter, encouragement, and heart touching moments. That God will use them to speak joy into your life and mine! I'm jumping in with both feet! I'm excited for you to be joining me!

I have chosen to call this space Dainty and Darling in Dixie. These three D's fit me and my personality so well. I'm gentle. I'm not one of those ladies who walks into a room and captures everyone's undivided attention with my larger than life personality. Simply dainty and ladylike! You will probably find me giggling and working diligently behind the scenes. I have a big tender heart and I usually wear it affixed on my sleeve. Currently, I reside in Alabama also known as the Heart of Dixie. Add all of this together to get Dainty and Darling in Dixie! I'll have many more posts coming soon!

Follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook! Want to be updated when I post? Join my mailing list!

Thanks for stopping by and taking time to read this!

xoxo Ashlyn



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